(Ages 4.5-5yrs)
Saturn begins the focus on learning basic gymnastics skills. Your athlete will begin each class by warming up their large muscle groups with running, bear crawls, skipping, running backwards and frog leaps. Our informative VEGA coaches will teach them to stretch, work on bridge bends, and splits- at a level comfortable to each individual. Expect to see many obstacle courses and relay games. These are the educational tools our VEGA coaches use to build core strength, arm strength and the coordination necessary to learn headstands, handstands and forward rolls‐ the fundamental building blocks of almost all gymnastics skills. Athletes will spend time on the single bars hanging and swinging in order to build the necessary strength to pull over onto the bars. This age is very experiential and individual athletes will progress at the pace best for them under the guidance of our VEGA coaches’ watchful eyes.
Tuition runs the 1st of each month. Accounts are billed for the number of classes that take place each month. Assuming there are 4 classes in a month, pricing is as stated below.